
The institutions and structures of the WIDE Switzerland association are: the Annual General Meeting, the Board, the Office, the Project Teams, as well as an external auditing agency. WIDE Switzerland is furthermore sponsored by supporting organizations, partners, and passive members.

Become a Member

The Board

The Board of our organization consists of at least five members and is elected at the Annual General Meeting for the duration of one year. The Board organizes the Annual General Meeting, defines bylaws, petitions, regulations, and is responsible for the management of the office and the safeguarding of the interests of the WIDE Switzerland platform. The Board provides for a mutual exchange of information and the debate within WIDE Switzerland and is concerned with the platform’s networking. The Board comments on topical issues and is committed to securing the broad-based support of WIDE Switzerland in collaboration with the project groups.

Current Members of the Board:

Simona Isler (Historikerin), Theres Blöchlinger (Dr. med, Frauenambi Zürich), Karin Roth (student), Therese Wüthrich (Redaktion widerspruch), Heike Wach (Ökotrophologin und Genderberaterin MA), Doris Schumacher (Geschäftsstelle WIDE Switzerland).

The Office

Beside daily business and the organization of the Coordination Group, the responsibilities of the Office encompass the coordination of activities with WIDE+ and public relations in particular.

Contact: Doris Schumacher

The Project Teams

The WIDE Switzerland network is loosely organized in small project teams. This facilitates collaboration and allows flexible and fast action. The project teams are authorized to publicly comment topical debates on their own authority.

Supporting Organization and Partners

Amnesty International Schweiz
Attac Schweiz
Centre Études Genre LIEGE, Universität Lausanne
cfd – Die feministische Friedensorganisation
Demokratische Juristinnen und Juristen der Schweiz
Erklärung von Bern
FachFrauen Umwelt
IAFFE – International Association for Feminist Economics
Interdiziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung IZFG, Universität Bern
Netzwerk Vorsorgendes Wirtschaften
NGO-Koordination post Beijing Schweiz
WIDE Österreich
WTI – World Trade Institute, Universität Bern

Financial support 2015:

Alliance Sud
Brot für alle

Financial support 2014:

Alliance Sud
Brot für alle
Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA
HEKS – Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen
Reformierte Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn, Bereich OeME-Migration
Gewerkschaft Unia